Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul: racist newsletter scandal won't go away

Ron Paul: racist newsletter scandal won't go away

"Ron Paul says he knew nothing of a racist newsletter published under his name two decades ago. But he hasn't offered a convincing explanation – and that could hurt him in Iowa"

Stars of David: A-listers do Chanukah (FAMOUS Jews Celebrating Chanukah)

Stars of David: A-listers do Chanukah (FAMOUS Jews Celebrating Chanukah)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

China’s DESERTED & FAKE Disneyland

China’s DESERTED & FAKE Disneyland

"Along the road to one of China’s most famous tourist landmarks – the Great Wall of China – sits what could potentially have been another such tourist destination, but now stands as an example of modern-day China and the problems facing it."

Friday, December 16, 2011

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."-Einstein

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Do Mountain Dew & Flame Retardant HAVE IN COMMON?

What Do Mountain Dew & Flame Retardant HAVE IN COMMON?

"About 10 percent of sodas in the U.S. contain brominated vegetable oil or BVO, a patented flame retardant chemical.
It's completely banned from foods in Europe and Japan, but the FDA set "safe limits" for it back in 1977, according to Environmental Health News."

Monday, December 12, 2011

Latin American trees offer investment opportunity Commentary: Latin American timber should be on investors’ lists

Latin American trees offer investment opportunity Commentary: Latin American timber should be on investors’ lists

"First of all, forestry in Latin America means an entirely different thing than it does in the United States. In the U.S., many forestry companies are traded as real-estate investment trusts, or REITs, where their earnings are driven by activities such as paper and pulp production, lumber and the holdings of their timberlands.

Kimberly-Clark de Mexico
Kimberly-Clark de Mexico, which employs some 8,000 people, has been recognized for earnings stability during the global financial crisis.
In Latin America, companies tend to be defined by what they produce, not by their land holdings. For example, the region’s two largest forestry companies are Chile’s Arauco, which is divided into five divisions, including lumber, pulp and paper; and Brazil’s Fibria Celulose SA FBR -3.60% , a producer of eucalyptus pulp."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Medvedev's (President of Russia) Twitter OBSCENITIES provokes SHOCK

Medvedev's Twitter OBSCENITIES provokes SHOCK

Exclusive: On the run, U.S. financier finds 'SPANISH REFUGE'

Exclusive: On the run, U.S. financier finds Spanish refuge

"He's wanted for contempt of court in Arizona. He is under investigation by Italian police over his connection with an international bond scandal exposed by Reuters in August and totaling at least $500 million. And he is named as a key player in one of the first criminal indictments following the collapse of Iceland's economy.

But last week you could find David Spargo in a holiday resort on the Spanish island of Majorca. He's a regular at La Batucada cocktail bar, where he might be drinking anything from a cocktail to a beer or whisky. Locals say he also enjoys playing on the 95-euro-a-round ($127) Alcanada golf course, which overlooks the sparkling Mediterranean."

Headhunter Guilty Of Stalking Hedge Fund Honcho's Wife

Headhunter Guilty Of Stalking Hedge Fund Honcho's Wife
"A domestic staff headhunter for the rich and famous has been convicted of stalking the wife of King Street Capital Management founder Brian Higgins.
Adrian Smith was found guilty of nine counts of aggravated harassment and one count of stalking Tania Higgins. Higgins accused Smith of bombarding her with abusive e-mails and phone calls, as well as posting personal information about her online and encouraging others to join in the harassment, after she decided against hiring one of his clients."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Despite law against it, stealth commercials frequently HIDDEN as TV news

Despite law against it, stealth commercials frequently HIDDEN as TV news

"Alison Rhodes is passionate about child safety, and in hundreds of TV news interviews, the self-styled “Safety Mom” has talked up products designed to increase it. During a segment on WTTG’s morning news last year, for example, Rhodes showed off a home electronic monitor made by ADT and a backpack with a built-in alarm known as the iSafe bag.
“It’s amazing,” she gushed to Fox5 host Tony Perkins about the backpack. “It really is amazing.”
What neither Rhodes nor WTTG mentioned to viewers was this: The companies Rhodes mentioned on the air had paid her to plug their products. In effect, Rhodes’s appearance was a kind of stealth commercial dressed up as a traditional product-review interview."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Relaxing Meditation Music With Inspiring Quotes!

Relaxing Meditation Music With Inspiring Quotes!

Digging into China’s nuclear tunnels

Digging into China’s nuclear tunnels

"The result of their effort? The largest body of public knowledge about thousands of miles of tunnels dug by the Second Artillery Corps, a secretive branch of the Chinese military in charge of protecting and deploying its ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads."